Dr. Kai Tang
Department of Mechanical
Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong,
Phone: (852) 2358-8656;
Email: mektang@ust.hk
Short Bio
Dr. Kai Tang
was born and grew up in the ancient capital city Nanjing of China. He graduated
from the No. 13 middle school of Nanjing in 1977 and was fortunate to continue
on to go to college after the universities in China had been virtually shut
down for 10 years due to the Cultural Revolution. He went to his hometown
university the Nanjing Institute of Technology and received BEng in Mechanical
Engineering in the Spring of 1982 (class of 21-77-1). Afterward, among the
first selected by China’s Education Ministry, he went to the University of
Michigan in 1984, enrolling in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, where he received MSc in 1986 and PhD in 1990, both in
Computer Engineering. From 1991 to 2001 for 10 years, he worked as a software
specialist in software industry, mostly in the area of Computer-Aided Design
and Manufacturing software development. He also for a short period of one year
worked as the chief engineer in a start-up company focusing on voice
recognition technology. In June 2001, he “went back” to school and joined the
faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology.
- PhD (Computer Engineering), University of
Michigan, 1990
- MSc (Computer, Information, and Control Engineering).,
University of Michigan, 1986
- BEng (Mechanical Engineering), Nanjing Institute
of Technology, China, 1982
Academic employment
- Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, since July
- Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 2006 -
June 2011
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical
Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, July 2001 -
June 2006
Industrial employment
- Chief Engineer, Allvox
Inc., Michigan, USA, 2001
- Senior Software Specialist, Applicon
Inc., Michigan, USA; May 1991-June 2001
- Senior Engineer, Optimal CAE Inc., Michigan, USA;
Tang has extensive industrial and research experiences in CAD/CAM and design
and manufacturing automation software development. His research interests
concentrate on designing efficient and practical algorithms for solving real
world computational, geometric, and numerical problems.
Research areas
- Geometric Modeling
- Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing
- Multi-axis machining of freeform surfaces
- Multi-axis printing of general and special shapes
- Feature recognition
- Modeling of sculptured and deformable objects
- Motion planning in robotics
- Computational algorithms and methodologies in
- Geometric optimizations
- Virtual reality and haptic technologies and their
applications in engineering
Past and current projects
- “面向金属增减材混合制造的复杂腔体零件工艺规划”,PI,中国自然基金面上项目,项目号 52375518,1/2024 –
- “Process planning of collision-free multi-pass
flank milling of complicated parts based on quasi-developable stripification”, PI, RGC-GRF/16211222,
HK$1,098,559, 1/9/2022 – 31/8/2025.
- “金属多轴增减材复合加工中心软硬件平台的研发/多轴增减材复合加工工艺规划/仿真系统的研究与开发”, PI, FSPM02202007-1 (2020年度佛山科大专项校企合作研发项目), HK$9,100,000, 6/2021 – 6/2023.
- “An Intelligent CAM system for automotive wheel
hub manufacturing”, PI,
PRP/041/19FX, HK$1,320, 000, 2/2020 – 8/2021.
- “Curved layer-based process planning for five-axis
volume printing of freeform parts”, PI,
RGC-GRF/16200819, HK$700,000, 1/9/2019 – 31/8/2022.
- “Artificial intelligent orthodontic system”, PI, ITS/411/17FX, HK$506, 000,
1/7/2019 – 30/5/2020.
- “Offline programming for robotic manufacturing”, PI, ITS/141/18FX, HK$3,376, 000,
11/2018 – 30/11/2020.
- “Automatic five-axis sweep scanning
path planning system for efficient inspection of freeform surfaces”, PI, RGC-GRF/16205617, HK$443,950,
01/09/2017 – 31/08/ 2020.
- “Time-optimal five-axis machining system based on
machine-dependent potential field”, PI,
RGC-GRF/16209714, HK$500,000, 01/09/ 2014 – 31/08/ 2017.
- “Optimized toolpaths for 5-axis finishing
operation of freeform surface parts”, PI,
ITS/138/13FX, HK$2,000,000, Feb. 1, 2014 – Jan. 31, 2016.
- "Efficient 5-axis CNC adaptive machining and
measurement of hollow blisk blades", PI, ITF GHP/057/12,
HK$5,500,000, 01/06/2013 - 31/09/2015.
- "A comprehensive study of global collision
avoidance for setup optimization and tool path generation in five-axis
machining", PI, RGC-GRF/619212, HK$500,000, 01/09/2012 -
- "5-axis tool path
generation from the perspective of minimizing the dynamic loading on the
machine’s rotary axes and local gouging", PI, RGC-GRF/620409,
HK$733,000, 01/09/2009 - 31/08/2011.
- "A New MRG Algorithm for
3D Shape Matching", PI, RGC07/08 EG.620307, HK$382,000,
01/09/2007 - 31/08/2009.
- "A unified tool path
planning algorithm for 5-axis sculptured surface machining based on
variational energy minimization", PI, RGC05/06.EG.620105,
HK$360,000, 01/09/2005 - 31/08/2007.
- "Optimal boundary
triangulation of an interpolating ruled surface", PI, HKUST
DAG04/05.EG.36, HK$69,000, 01/01/2005 - 31/12/2005.
- "Next generation online
multimedia collaboration system", PI, HK ITF WebEx Project
UIM103, HK$14,000,000, 01/12/2004 - 30/11/2006.
- "Design of a reliable
interlocking system for the landing gates of material hoists", PI,
HK OSHC Research Grant CM/4R/2004-01, HK$290,000, 01/07/2004 - 30/06/2005.
- "A geometric method for
determining intersection relations in the plane and its
applications", PI, HKUST DAG02/03.EG.33, HK$67,150, 01/02/2003
- 31/01/2004.
- "Optimal loop connection in laminated object
manufacturing", PI, HKUST DAG01/02.EG.10, HK$100,000,
15/12/2001 - 14/12/2002.
Total amount of research funding as sole
PI: HK$48M
- MECH106 “Mechanical Engineering for Modern Life”
- MECH107 “Introduction to mechanical engineering – automobiles”
- MECH3510 “Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing”
- MECH3030 “Mechanisms of machinery”
- MECH4740 “Numerical
Methods for Engineering”
- MECH5520 “Principles
- MESF5520 “Fundamental algorithms and mathematics of CAD/CAM”
- MESF5380 “Advanced Numerical Methods”
- MECH691o “Geometric
- MECH691w “Engineering
- MECH1901 “Automotive
Chen, Yuanzhi (PhD)
Chung, Man Fai (Tony) (PhD)
Wang, Yihe (PhD)
Zhang, Wenze (PhD)
Wang, Yichen (PhD)
Peng, Fandi (PhD)
JIA, Jinyuan (PhD)
WANG, Nan (PhD)
CHEN, Zhanqing (PhD)
CHEN, Ming (PhD)
HU, Pengcheng (PhD)
Quan, Lulin (PhD)
XU, Ke (PhD)
Ni, Feng (PhD)
Dada, Oluwaseun John (PhD)
Zhang, Rong (PhD)
Jing, Bichen (PhD)
Lai, Yuen Hoo (PhD)
Chen, Li (PhD)
CHEN, Lufeng (PhD)
YAN, Qianhang (PhD)
WANG, Jiarui (PhD)
Cai, Xin (PhD)
LI, Yamin (PhD)
LI, Zhaoyu (PhD)
XIE, Fubao (PhD)
Kwing Fung, Wong (PhD)
He, Dong (PhD)
Wang, Xiangyu (PhD)
Lau, Francis (PhD)
Deng, Xiaoke (PhD)
Hao, Jiancheng (PhD)
Bi, Danjie (PhD)
YEUNG, Brian (MPhil)
CHEN, Hao (MPhil)
CHEN, Kun (MPhil)
ZHOU, Zi (MPhil)
CHUNG, Man Fai (MPhil)
LAU, Tak Yu (MPhil)
Ji, Guosheng (MPhil)
Shing Chun YU (MPhil)
Xu, Pengda (MPhil)
Ding, Yuzhu (MPhil)
Now and then, here and there, I
occasionally write something, not on PDE, not on geometry, just some
instantaneous thoughts on life, the world peace, love, etc. My dream since
child is to be a writer, well, perhaps in my second life.
I like to sing, and wish I had some
formal vocal training. These songs are recorded by a MP3 player using a
HK$80 microphone. Drop me a line if you feel they are not too annoying.
often, when I read an article, I can't help but want to take off my hat and
salute to the author and say "THANK YOU!". These are some collections
and I hope they will enrich my and your lives.