感谢作家出版社苏编辑的推荐、韩星编辑的职业编辑,作家出版社从我所作的中短篇中选出25篇成集出版 《未完的信札》— 洪佳与中短篇小说集,厚厚一本,530多页。此书刚刚上架,在京东、当当都有出售,也可以在实体书店买到。欢迎对文学感兴趣的朋友们一读,更希望得到读者的评论和反馈。(2023.8


A book on a table

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An open book with a picture of a city

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An open book on a table

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A book open on a table

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A book on a table

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An open book on a table

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An open book on a table

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